How to respond to chargebacks, and how to prevent them A chargeback is when a cardholder disputes a charge with their bank in order to reverse the charge. It’s a …
Simple and effective ways to stand out from the crowd Business owners everywhere are anxious to get back to in-person events after a long year away, and that excitement means …
For up to date information on the Employee Retention Credit, please visit the IRS at In 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic forced many businesses into a situation that posed a …
2020 was a unique year for many reasons, but for business owners and consumers, it was an accelerated evolution of trends we’ve already seen for a few years now. Online …
There’s never a better time for criminals to try and invade your privacy than during a national crisis or disaster. Whether it be a hurricane, wildfires, or even a pandemic, …
Many businesses are following guidelines set by their local and state governments and are struggling to find resources on acquiring Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, for the employees.
All 50 US States have begun to reopen after the COVID-19 shutdown and many businesses are eager to see full stores and heavy foot traffic. While it will take time …
Many types of businesses nationwide have seen sharp decreases in overall sales – either they’ve temporarily closed their doors, are operating with online sales only, or have taken up a …
Newer payment terminals and POS’s already offer the option for payments
Available only to SignaPay merchants – get free concierge loan application assistance for PPP loans and a flat $150 concierge service for EIDL loans. With one online application, your merchants …