No-Fee Payment Processing: What Businesses Need to Know

No Fee Payment Processing: Understanding Surcharging, Cash Discounts, and Dual Pricing

Credit card transactions offer convenient payment options for consumers but often come with fees that can burden businesses. Fortunately, businesses can leverage no-fee credit card processing to alleviate these costs.

What is No Fee Credit Card Processing?

No fee credit card processing, also known as zero fee credit card processing or fee sharing, allows business owners to accept credit cards without incurring the full costs associated with these transactions.

Card Processing Fees

Every time a customer swipes or taps their card, businesses typically incur processing fees, including interchange fees, transaction fees, and processor fees. No fee credit card processing passes these expenses to the customer through cash discounts, surcharges, or dual pricing.

Types of No Fee Processing:


Surcharging applies an additional fee when customers pay with credit cards to cover transaction costs.  Only cash prices are displayed in-store and when the customer chooses the credit card payment option, the surcharge is added to the transaction amount.  Things to consider when considering a surcharge program:

Surcharge Example
  • Disclosure: Surcharges must be disclosed to customers before payment.

  • Notification: Notify credit card institutions in writing about your intent to surcharge.

No Debit Transactions: Surcharging is limited to credit card transactions only.
Receipt Format: Surcharges must be listed separately on receipts and labeled clearly.

Limitations of Surcharging:

  • Legal Status: Surcharges cannot exceed processing costs or legal limits set by state laws. Some states prohibit surcharging.
  • Extra Administrative Work: Managing surcharges involves additional tasks and potential calculation errors.
  • Fewer Payment Options: Many providers do not support surcharge programs.
    Negative Customer Sentiment: Surcharging can create customer dissatisfaction, impacting sales.
Cash Discount Program

Cash discount programs mark up all prices to credit card prices and offer discounts for cash payments at the point of sale. Things to remember when considering a cash discount program:

cash discount example
  • No Debit Transactions: Cash discounting is prohibited on debit transactions.

  • Clear Signage: Disclose cash discounts through in-store signage.

Clear Receipts: Indicate the cash discount on receipts.


  • Higher Posted Prices: Prices include credit card fees, potentially appearing higher than competitors.
  • Legality: Cash discounts are legal in all states, but specific rules may apply.
Dual Pricing

Dual pricing displays both a cash and credit card prices at checkout, showing customers all options and allowing consumers to choose their preferred payment type.  Things to remember about a dual price program:

Dual Pricing Example
  • Two Separate Prices: One for cash and a slightly higher price for credit card transactions.

  • Signage: Inform customers about the two pricing options.

  • Legality: Dual pricing is legal in all states and complies with card brand regulations.

    Limitations with Dual Pricing: 

  • Due to the simplicity and transparency of dual pricing, it has one of the lowest barriers of entry for no-fee processing. It receives less customer pushback, easier setup, and fewer legal and regulation hurdles than surcharging or cash discounts.

Which Businesses Benefit Most?
  • Small Businesses: Avoiding transaction fees is crucial for those operating on thin margins.
  • High-Risk Businesses: Businesses with high chargeback rates or irregular large transactions benefit from reduced costs.
  • Enterprise-Level Businesses: Large companies save significantly by eliminating fees for large transaction volumes. 
How to Choose a Zero Fee Program
  • Calculate Your Effective Rate: Determine the average percentage you pay for credit card processing by dividing monthly fees by total processing volume.
  • Evaluate Debit Card Processing Volume: If most of your payments are through debit cards, surcharging may not be the best option.
Best Practices
  • Clear Disclosures: Clearly disclose terms and conditions of cash discounts to customers.
  • Non-Discriminatory Pricing: Apply cash discounts equally to all customers.
  • Accurate Records: Maintain records of all transactions and associated fees.
  • Partner with a Payment Processor: Ensure compliance with regulations and best practices.
  • Use the Right Technology: Integrate sales, inventory, and customer data efficiently.
  • Assess Customer Price Sensitivity: Implement a program that does not diminish the customer experience.
If you are interested in setting up Dual Price Processing for your business, contact us today.

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